Jefferson E-Tree


Receive news about Jefferson School via email by subscribing to the Jefferson E-Tree! The Jefferson E-Tree is managed by the Jefferson PTA and is used by Jefferson parent groups and the Jefferson school administration to share news and announce events with the school community.

We send a “Week At-a-Glance” summary early in the week to summarize news from this week and in the near future. All messages, including old news, are also available on the homepage.

We would like as many families as possible to subscribe to the E-Tree. The E-Tree complements other communication which is distributed via the monthly paper newsletter and the weekly Jefferson communication folder.  Incoming kindergarten parents are welcome and encouraged to sign up.

Please share with your friends and spread the word.

Subscribe to E-Tree

Enter your email address into the form in the sidebar. If you do not receive a welcome email, please check your spam folder, and adjust your security settings accordingly. If you do not find it in spam or have problems getting PTA emails, send an email to [email protected].

Unsubscribe from E-Tree

Click the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any E-Tree post OR send an email to [email protected].

Submit Announcements / Information to E-Tree

The Jefferson E-Tree is paid for and managed by the Jefferson PTA, and is used by Jefferson parent groups to share news and announce events to the school community. Groups that send information through the E-Tree include the PTA, the School Governance Council (SGC), the Jefferson Village, ELAC and other parent groups. The Jefferson school administration also uses the E-Tree to share school-wide news. Guidelines for submitting information to the E-Tree can be found below.

To post to E-Tree:

  1. Follow the guidelines below to compose your information.
  2. Email your information to [email protected]. A moderator will review your post and will post it to the list.
    Posts are slightly delayed to prevent spam and inappropriate postings.
Guidelines for Submitting Information to E-Tree

Submissions go out in exactly the form they are submitted, so please follow these guidelines carefully.

  • State the
    • PLACE (example: Jefferson Library)
    • TIME
    • DATE in the form Thursday, June 5, which includes the DAY of the week and the DATE
  • Make sure that your post pertains to our school, district, or PTA. Have general interest information? Consider posting to the Berkeley parents network at
  • Individual teachers, staff, students, or family members are not to be mentioned except to positively further school activities. The E-Tree is not a discussion board.
  • Be complete. Many readers may be new to the school and be unaware of things you take for granted, such as the location of events.
  • Read your message through completely several times before hitting the send button.
  • Be brief.

And please

  • DON’T forward email, but DO copy and paste the actual content you want distributed
  • DON’T attach documents, but DO cut and paste the text in the document, and check that the text is current and informative (no out of date material, etc). Edit as you need to before you send.
  • DON’T include any email or phone number that should not be read by everyone, DO respect confidentiality.

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