About the PTA

How You Can Get Involved

Ask not what your PTA can do for you; ask what you can do for your PTA.

  • Classroom Volunteers
  • After School Opportunities
  • Room Partners
  • PTA – activities, events, etc!
  • Technology Committee
  • School Site Committee
  • JAZ After-School Program
  • District Committees

Been wondering how to become more involved in your child’s education–and improve Jefferson School for all students?

Considering getting involved with the PTA? Maybe you have been wondering about a particular topic — earthquake safety, yard maintenance, or grant writing — but are not sure who to contact.

This page lists areas where parent volunteers are welcome. The contact people can provide information and talk to you about getting involved.

Classroom Volunteers

Most teachers welcome assistance from parents of children in their classrooms. Teachers might have parents read to children, or help with class projects, field trips or class parties. Even short time commitments of time can be helpful.

Teachers often talk about their volunteer needs at Back to School Night in September and some have posted the type of help they appreciate on their web page.

Contact: Your child’s teacher

After School Volunteers

We need enthusiastic and interested parents to help teachers with reading, math, and homework skills in small groups or one-on-one settings.

Contact: Principal Mary Cazden at 510-644-6298 with your interests and availability.

Room Partners (aka Room Parents)

Room Partners are crucial in getting information out to parents of children in the class, especially about class-family gatherings and special activities.

Learn more about Room Partners.

Contact: your child’s teacher or one of the PTA Room Parent Coordinators.


A short list of ways you can volunteer includes:

  • Organizing or working a one-hour shift at a community event.
  • Raising funds by grant writing, looking for grants, or helping with other fundraising activities.
  • Running after-school enrichment programs so our kids can take art, chess, Chinese, dance, science, and music lessons.
  • Beautifying our school through the efforts of Project Color and the garden.
  • Joining the executive board.
  • Coming up with your own ideas! Suggesting something!

To volunteer for PTA activities:

  • Contact current event, fund raising, and outreach coordinators.
  • Contact the Volunteer and Outreach Coordinators
  • Check out the PTA Bulletin Board by the school office
  • Go to a PTA meeting.

Technology Committee

The parents and teachers on this committee focus on technology infrastructure needs at Jefferson. The Committee’s goal is to help teachers use technology and improve the technology infrastructure of the school.

Contact: Principal Mary Cazden, 510-644-6298.

School Site Committees

The school site committees are: School Governance Council and ELAC

These are committees of parents, faculty and in some cases staff, who work with the principal to assess overall student achievement and needs, as well as site goals for the school. Each committee considers how the pots of money for which it is responsible should be allocated. They do not meet often, and meeting times are set around participants’ availability. Meetings are open to all, and everyone is encouraged to participate. More details about each committee appear on the last page of this year’s school handbook, the “Bulletin of Information for Parents and Guardians,” that was sent home with students shortly after the school year started. Elections for committee members are held annually in the autumn.

Contact: Principal Mary Cazden, 510-644-6298.

JAZ After-School Program

The JAZ After-School Program is a on-site after-school program that runs from the end of school until 6:00pm.

District Committees

There are various district-wide committees and task forces. The umbrella PTA organization for all Berkeley public schools is called the PTA Council, which meets monthly on the third Monday of the month.

Jefferson PTA Bylaws

The Jefferson Elementary School PTA Bylaws and standing rules govern our PTA chapter. They are approved by the California State PTA. The Bylaws are reviewed annually, and renewed every 3 years. They were last reviewed in 2017, and will go into effect in Fall 2017 pending approval by the PTA Membership.


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