February 2013

PTA Meeting Agenda

February 7, 2013, Jefferson Library


Attendees: 14

Volunteer Hours: 63




1. Introductions & thank you

a. Thank you to the Grants Committee for the two grants they were able to bring in

b. Thank you to the green team for the work they are doing on recycling


2. Treasurer’s report

a. All old bank accounts have been closed.

b. Received grant from city of Livermore to receive recycling bins

c. Grant from Lowes for yard beautification around Room C1/C2 (50% is for PE & Yard equipment including portable garden for garden movement during the construction)

d. Black Families group has raised $4,200 for their work. Funds will be used for Black History month and Juneteenth. Professional Story teller coming in during February. Funds are being used for cultural events.

e. Giving Campaign-~$6K collected so far: has 3 times of push (November, after

f. Boxtops for education: Eric Wells will investigate.

g. Backed off on scrip because requires a lot of effort. Electronic scrip used for easy scrip. See if we could get an e-tree with directions about this for the school.

h. Grant writing committee worked with the Green Team on the City of Livermore Grant.


3. Funding for Technology (proposed expenditure announcement)

a. We are pretty behind the times on technology. Last year we used BSEP $ to buy 5 laptops, LCD projectors and carts for each class. Not all classrooms have a computer for the teacher, let alone money for computers for the kids. District has a new system that allows visibility of all the PTA funds. Accumulated about $15. Rough estimate. A small amount is mixed up with reading funds. At most this would put 2 computers in each school.

b. May be an interest in matching grant from parents.

c. Lots of interest. Want to add computers to support bridge the technological divide for kids that may not have access at home. But still interest in keeping low technology access in the lower grades.

d. iPads could be useful for special ed/ESL kids. $ would have to come from the PTA. District will not fund ipads because they can’t be tracked.

e. Desire to hear from teachers about what teachers could do better.

f. Is it easier to do grant making for technology issues? So use this money for something harder to fund.

g. 4 PTA priorities: stem/technology; PE; art; music. What the PTA funds must fit within the instructional design for the school.

h. Plan is to further the discussion and vote on the expenditure at the March PTA meeting.

i. Maggie will share the list of purchases.


4. Sound System/Speakers (proposed expenditure)

a. Sound system speakers are blown. They have been repaired. Appears that wiring or amplifiers are problematic. Good service technician will look at it. May need to engage a company to purchase/pay. Propose motion to spend up to $500 to diagnostic of the speakers.

b. Motion: spend up to $500 on diagnostic effort for cafetorium speakers.

i. Motion Moved and seconded.

ii. Motion unanimously approved


5. Volunteer Spot (proposed expenditure)

a. Volunteer spot online volunteer management software. Used for Mayfair and art night. We want to purchase to use for the school. $325 for premier system.

b. Managed as part of the volunteer coordinator position.

c. Teachers could also use it for classroom & room partners

d. They have an iPad ap.

e. Hope is that a tool like this will assist with the person in the role of volunteer coordinator.

f. Motion: Spend $325 to get a yearly subscription to volunteer spot.

i. Add it as a permanent line item in the budget. It can be connected to the new website. Must yearly confirm that its worth doing for the

ii. Moved and seconded

iii. 100% approved


6. Construction Related Committees and Announcements

a. We can now support the construction with 3 committees (safety, yard design-thinking about how to support the yard in this year during construction, how to teach the kids about construction)

b. Yard redesign: 1 year of planning for the yard after construction. $470K for yard redesign.

c. Formally launching the 3 committees; parents/guardians are encouraged to participate. Partnering on the curriculum with CAL to bring information about the construction to the kids.

d. Change the mandate for the yard group to have them participate on yard work during the construction year. Ways to make the yard fun and safe during the construction period.


7. Thank You for JAZ Team & Bears

a. Way to show appreciation for the JAZ staff. Looking for ideas. Examples purchase a bowling party. Make a nice announcement. Gift cards individual. Or a group thing.

b. Don’t get the recognition that the teachers do. But are with over 140 kids for. PTA representative can pause in action

c. Motion: Spend $400 on an event (authority delegated to Rob Gilligan) to thank the JAZ staff.

i. First and second

ii. 100% approved


8. Mayfair update

a. May 4th. Theme May the 4th Be With You.

b. Early recruiting stages. Looking for 2 people in food & entertainment. Need people. Volunteers to begin participating in positions

9. Art Night: Come to art night. Bring paper boxes.


10. Basketball

a. Great family event. Lots of perks for participation.

11. Comments, Ideas, Suggestions…


12. Announcements, upcoming events, and other business

Art Night, 2/8

PTA Meeting 3/14


Construction Response Committee: Enriching the Student Experience


Description: How can we take advantage of the construction opportunity to enrich the

learning experience of the kids? Just a brief sampling of ideas from the PTA meeting to get your creative juices flowing: an assembly where the architects present directly to the children, get blueprints to each classroom and come up with projects associated with it, reach out to Cal architectural department (which you saw referenced in Principal Maggie’s e-tree request on Friday), and an architectural after-school class. We’ll need a special committee to focus on this topic in preparation for the start of the 2013-14 school year.


Names collected by Eric Wells.


Construction Response Committee: Traffic Safety


How will traffic flow and other safety issues be handled during and after construction?


Names collected by Eric Wells.


Construction Response Committee: Schoolyard Redesign


Description: How and when will the schoolyard be redesigned? The best practice is to give a school a year to recover from a building project before tackling a yard construction project to learn how the space works. So while it is still a ways away, it’s probably not too early to form a committee to start thinking about that and to make sure that it stays a priority for the school district.


Names collected by Eric Wells.


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